On May 24, 2021, positive EIA results were confirmed by the CFIA national reference laboratory for a horse located on a premises in Watson Lake, YK. The horse had been tested by an accredited veterinarian at the owner’s request to comply with a facility pre-entry requirement.
For both cases, a CFIA investigation is underway and as per program policy, movement controls were placed on the infected animal and its on-premises contacts. Movement controls will remain until all disease response activities have been completed, including follow-up testing and ordering the destruction of confirmed cases. Trace-out activities may require the CFIA to undertake actions at additional premises as outlined in the current policy.
For more information, visit the Canadian Animal Health Surveillance System (CAHSS) Equine Diseases Dashboard.
Equestrian Canada National and Infectious Disease Resources
In an ongoing effort to facilitate timely updates and collaborative communication across Canada regarding equine biosecurity and welfare, Equestrian Canada (EC) holds regular Active Equine Health & Welfare National Calls. To receive notices, agendas and supporting documents regarding the national conference calls by email, subscribe here.
For EC biosecurity resources, please visit the Active Equine Health and Welfare and COVID-19 Resources pages of the EC website. Please refer to the CFIA EIA web page for more information about EIA and the national disease control program.