The Para-Dressage Video Competition Series Guidelines were updated with significant rule and division changes, effective immediately.
Please be aware of the following key changes:
- Riders in Divisions 1-4 may submit one technical test and one Freestyle test per competition leg.
- Riders in Division 5 may submit one test per class, up to three tests total, for each competition leg.
- Rules for leaders/side walkers/commanders have been added, including mark deductions should a leader/side walker influence the equine or rider.
- New classes have been added and, subsequently, class numbers have been updated. Please review the new class numbers to ensure you submit for the correct class.
- Links to YouTube videos of the tests will no longer be published with the results.
Full changes can be viewed in the following versions of the Para-Dressage Video Competition Series Guidelines:
* Final text with tracked changes to show updates and revisions from previous version.
For questions regarding the updated Para-Dressage Video Competition Series Guidelines, contact:
Jamie-Ann Goodfellow
Coordinator, Para-Dressage
613-287-1515 x 146