Canadian Horse Identification Program (CHIP)
Equestrian Canada, in partnership with EIDAP Inc., is proud to announce the launch of the Canadian Horse Identification Program (CHIP), a traceability program open to all equines born and/or domiciled in Canada. This innovation marks a significant leap forward in ensuring the health, welfare, and identification of Canada’s equine population.
Equestrian Canada has been allocated a series of identification numbers for equines by the CFIA, in order to ensure the uniqueness of individual microchip numbers used to identify equines in the CHIP traceability program. The ‘124-000’ prefix designates that the microchip ID numbers are unique to Canada under the ISO international standards 11784 and 11785, and that the number is in a series allocated by CFIA.
Every Horse Counts
The CHIP program proudly includes all equines from the Equidae/Horse Family, such as horses, donkeys, mules, hinnies, and zebras. Microchipping is a reliable and globally accepted method of providing permanent and quick identification of equines for life. Microchips address concerns about equine health history, disease control, proof of ownership and more. The ‘124-000’ microchips will be available to vets and breed registries by March 2025. Veterinarians and Breed Registries can place pre-orders for the ‘124-000’ microchips starting February 2025. More information about the ordering process will be coming soon.
From Meg Krueger, CEO of Equestrian Canada, “We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Canadian Horse Identification Program (CHIP), marking a significant milestone for the equine sector. Partnering with EIDAP Inc. has been instrumental in bringing this initiative to fruition. Together, we are committed to delivering the program and the ‘124-000’ microchips to vets, breed registries and owners. This collaboration is not just about our companies; it’s about creating a brighter future for all equines born and/or domiciled in Canada.”
“We are excited to partner with Equestrian Canada to bring this initiative to life,” said Richard Grieves, Chief Executive Officer at EIDAP Inc. “The Canadian Horse Identification Program represents an important opportunity to ensure the health, welfare, and traceability of Canada’s equine population. Our partnership with Equestrian Canada allows us to further expand our capabilities by helping develop and implement a unique equine traceability program for Canada.”
About EIDAP Inc.
Since 1997, EIDAP Inc. has been providing microchips, readers and registry solutions across Canada. EIDAP Inc. has established themselves as a leader in companion animal identification and trusted partner for veterinarians, breeders, and animal welfare organizations. EIDAP Inc. sells only TROVAN, Ltd. microchips which are manufactured in Germany to the highest quality standards and are ICAR certified. TROVAN is a globally recognized leader in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) since 1988.
“We are delighted that our highly anticipated program is ready to launch”, said Jean Klosowicz, Project Manager for the CHIP. “By partnering with a respected industry leader and working collaboratively with governments and our industry partners, we are poised to deliver a program that creates significant value for our equine community here in Canada.”
Unique Features of the CHIP National Traceability Program
Eligibility: The unique country-coded ‘124-000’ microchip is available to Canadian equines born and/or domiciled in Canada, not previously microchipped. Equines include all horses, donkeys, mules, asses and zebras regardless of use, discipline and breed. Registration into the national database is free. A phased-in process for registration of all equines will begin early 2025, starting with those that are microchipped with the ‘124-000’s, followed by those that are microchipped with another number sequence and finally, those that are not microchipped at all.
Microchip Authenticity: Some microchip numbers on the market currently may start with the Canada code ‘124’ but not continue with the next three digits ‘000’ (followed by 9 more numbers.) The ‘124-000’ designates that the microchip ID numbers are unique to Canada under the ISO international standards 11784 and 11785. These numbers are only assigned to Equestrian Canada by the CFIA. Example of the 15-digit number representing the internationally recognized standards: ‘124-000’-123456789.
Recognition: This initiative unites owners and the industry, promoting the pedigree of Canadian-bred equines world-wide, and gaining agricultural recognition of the equine as a livestock animal regardless of the breed, discipline and uses. By having your equine registered in the CHIP database, each equine is recognized as an important animal from cradle to grave. This national equine microchip is recognized by international organizations such as breed registries, and equine sport organizations. The ‘124-000’ microchip follows ISO 11784/11785 and ISO 3166 standards to ensure uniqueness, using the CFIA allocated number range for equine identification. The data-sharing platform will build on the standard principles of a traceability program, as found in other regulated species in Canada such as cattle, swine and sheep.
Benefits of the CHIP Initiative:
- Unites the equine industry and owners under one program for the sustainability of agriculture recognition of the equine as a livestock animal
- An industry-driven voluntary equine ID/Traceability program in Canada
- Unique 15-digit ISO 11784 standard microchip with the ‘124-000’ prefix (for Canada) exclusive to the program
- Microchipping is a reliable and globally accepted method of providing permanent and quick identification of equines for life
- National information-sharing platform supporting equine traceability in Canada
- Equine and owner data are stored in Canada
- Promotion of Canadian-bred equines: global recognition and growth for Canadian breeders
- Addresses concerns about equine health and history for life, disease control, verifiable and permanent identification, proof of ownership
- The microchip can be used for unique ID requirements as need by international regulations and organizations.Owner and equine registrations and updates are at no cost; Premium Features will be offered at a nominal fee as the program expands
- Over time, data collected in the equine registry will aid in assessing economic impacts, industry statistics, performance measurements, research opportunities, emergency management planning, forecasting, equine herd populations, etc.
For Owners
Why Microchip and Register Your Equine: Registering microchipped equines in the CHIP national database is beneficial for owners for several reasons. It enhances traceability, ensuring that each equine’s identification, history, health records, and ownership are accurately documented for the life of the equine, from owner to owner. This not only protects the welfare of the animals but also helps in maintaining breed integrity and manages disease outbreaks more effectively. By taking this step, equine owners contribute to a safer and more organized equine community for the life of each equine.
Benefits of Microchipping:
Identification: Microchips provide a permanent form of identification that is much more reliable than brands, tattoos, or paper records, which can be lost or altered.
Recovery: In case your equine gets lost or stolen, a microchip can help reunite you with your equine friend quickly when registered in a database. Many rescues and veterinarians have scanners to read microchips. The ‘124-000’ microchip will always be associated with the CHIP database to aid in a speedy recovery.
Breeding Programs: In the event of breeding, having a microchip allows for accurate tracking and pedigree verification, which is essential in maintaining breed standards.
Compliance: In some countries, microchipping is required by law, specific breed registries or sport organizations. By using the ‘124-000’ microchip it ensures you are meeting current international standards for microchips in these countries and meeting unique ID requirements as needed by regulations or organizations.
How to Get Your Equine Microchipped: The ‘124-000’ microchips are currently on order and will be available to vets and breed registries by March 2025. Talk to your veterinarian to have your equine microchipped with the ‘124-000’ Equestrian Canada microchip or contact your breed registry of choice so that they can place their pre-orders with EIDAP Inc.
For Veterinarians
The unique , country-coded ‘124-000’ microchip is available to Canadian equines born and/or domiciled in Canada, not previously microchipped. Equines include all horses, donkeys, mules, asses, and zebras regardless of use, discipline or breed.
Microchips in conjunction with registration into the CHIP database, provide a permanent form of identification that is much more reliable than brands, tattoos, or paper records, which can be lost or altered. Together they address concerns about equine health and history for life, disease control, verifiable and permanent identification, proof of ownership and much more.
Equestrian Canada has been allocated a series of identification numbers for equine under an international standard beginning with ‘124-000’ by the CFIA in order to ensure the uniqueness of individual microchip numbers used in the CHIP traceability program. ‘124’ is the country code for Canada, and the ‘000’ indicates the number is in the series allocated by CFIA. The ‘124-000’ microchip follows ISO 11784/11785 and ISO 3166 standards to ensure uniqueness, using the CFIA allocated number range for equine identification, 15 digits in total. The data-sharing platform will build on the standard principles of a traceability program, as found in regulated species in Canada (sheep, swine, cattle, etc.).
The ‘124-000’ microchips will be available in stock to vets and breed registries by March 2025. Veterinarians and Breed Registries can place pre-orders for the ‘124-000’ microchips starting February 2025. More information about the ordering process will be coming soon on this page.
What to do if a client asks, “Can I get a microchip now?” We advise vets to start a pre-order list and recommend their clients wait for the Equestrian Canada ‘124-000’ microchips which are being manufactured now and are expected for delivery by March 2025.
Equestrian Canada will be announcing more information about the Canadian Horse Identification Program (CHIP) in the next few weeks. Please continue to check this website for updates. If you have any questions, please email:
Breed Registries
Choosing the unique ‘124-000’ microchip ensures global recognition and growth for Canadian breeders. It also allows for accurate tracking and pedigree verification, which is essential in maintaining breed standards.
Equestrian Canada has been allocated a series of identification numbers for equine under an international standard beginning with ‘124-000’ by the CFIA in order to ensure the uniqueness of individual microchip numbers used to identify equine in the CHIP traceability program. ‘124’ is the country code for Canada, and the ‘000’ identifies that the numeric code originates from CFIA. The ‘124-000’ microchip follows ISO 11784/11785 and ISO 3166 standards to ensure uniqueness, using the CFIA allocated number range for equine identification, 15 digits in total. The data-sharing platform will build on the standard principles of a traceability program, as found in regulated species in Canada.
Equestrian Canada’s country-coded ‘124-000’ microchip is available only to Canadian equines born and/or domiciled in Canada, not previously microchipped. Equines include all horses, donkeys, mules, asses, and zebras regardless of use, discipline and breed. Registration into the national database is free. It is not recommended to microchip an equine twice
The ‘124-000’ microchips will be available in stock to vets and breed registries by March 2025. Veterinarians and Breed Registries can place pre-orders for the ‘124-000’ microchips starting February 2025. More information about the ordering process will be coming soon.
Equestrian Canada will be announcing more information about the Canadian Horse Identification Program (CHIP) in the next few weeks. Please continue to visit the website for updates. If you have any questions, please email:
Q & A
What are the benefits of microchipping an equine?
Microchips can help reunite equines with their owners in the event accidents, theft or natural disasters. or accidents. They can also be used to monitor animal movement, trace animals during disease outbreaks, and prevent fraud at competitions. Microchipping provides a quick form of identification when scanned by veterinarians, breeders, buyers, officials, etc. It is often done only once in an equine’s life, and during spring or fall vaccinations, or shortly after an equine is born. Microchips are paired with a database to identify an equine’s owner and place of residency, and other important information.
How do microchips work?
Microchips are small, electronic circuits that use radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology. Each microchip has a unique 15 digit number that can be read by a hand-held scanner. A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and is implanted into the equine’s lip when young, or in the nuchal ligament on the left side, about halfway up the neck between the withers and poll. They are not a GPS and cannot confirm location of an equine.
Where can I get a ‘124-000’ microchip?
You can request a ‘124-000’ microchip for your equine from a veterinarian or breed registry. Your vet will make the arrangements with you for the implant appointment. Your equine must have been born in Canada and/or resides in Canada. Veterinarians can preorder the microchips in advance of expected delivery in March 2025.
Can I implant a microchip myself into an equine?
No. The microchip must be implanted by a veterinarian or a trained technician working under a veterinarian. It is implanted into the equine’s lip when young, or in the nuchal ligament on the left side, about halfway up the neck between the withers and poll. In many cases the equine will require some form of sedation.
How do I register an equine’s microchip in the CHIP registry?
If your equine is already microchipped or has no microchip you can still register your animal in the CHIP database. Registrations will open early in 2025. When you book an appointment with the vet for the ‘124-000’ microchip, your veterinarian can start the registration process for you after the microchip has been implanted.
What should I do if my equine has multiple microchips?
You should report the ID number for each microchip into the CHIP registry, even if other microchips are not the unique ‘124-000’ ones.
How long do microchips last?
Microchipping is done once for the life of the equine. They are a permanent form of identification.
How much does it cost to microchip my equine? Is registration free?
The cost of microchipping an equine varies from vet to vet as there may be fees associated with travel, sedation, implantation, etc. besides the cost of the actual ‘124-000’ microchip. Registration for the equine is free in the CHIP database. Microchipping is only done once in an equine’s lifetime. Many owners combine microchipping with their equine’s vaccination schedule or yearly check up to save costs.
Are all equine microchips compliant with international standards?
No, some microchips already in equines are 10 digits long and do not follow the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that regulate radio-frequency identification (RFID) for animals. Non-compliant microchips cannot always be scanned. To be compliant with international standards, they must contain 15 digits and follow ISO 11784 and ISO 3166 standards. The ‘124-000’ microchips follow these standards. The 124 is the country code for Canada and the 000 identifies that the numeric code originates from CFIA. Some microchips on the market may start with 124, however there is a three-digit number that follows which represents a breed registry or manufacturer code. These may not follow the international ISO standard code for equine identification.
‘124-000’ Microchip Pre-Orders
The ‘124-000’ microchips will be available in stock to vets and breed registries by March 2025. Veterinarians and Breed Registries can place pre-orders for the ‘124-000’ microchips starting February 2025. More information about the ordering process is coming soon. Please check this page regularly for updates.