A beacon has gone out far too early and far too quickly. Charmaine passed away today (February 24) after a relapse of cancer that had attacked her spine. Always positive, she had led the CWHBA through a difficult recovery at the same time as she herself was recovering from an earlier cancer. Her welcoming attitude and constant dedication to the association, over so many years, was a beacon that drew new people into the fold. She was an avid and charming conversationalist whose knowledge and broad life experience made her comfortable in every setting.

Past Chair, Chris Gould remembers, “When Charmaine first accompanied me to the WBFSH General Assembly, I remember worrying that my duties would not allow me enough time to introduce her around. A pointless worry; by the time we left I am sure she knew more people than I.”

This was her absolute strength, she could and would speak with anybody and not just superficially. Her interest in people was genuine.

Charmaine’s career with the CWHBA spanned more than 20 years and included service as President of the Saskatchewan Chapter, National Secretary and Treasurer and finally National Chair. She was also a senior inspector and qualified International Young Breeders judge.

Her personal connection to the industry was as an accomplished dressage rider, a breeder and stallion owner.

Our thoughts and deepest condolences go out to her husband John, her sole care giver during these difficult months. John’s support and understanding throughout the years has made it possible for Charmaine to play such an important role within our community. He was also the beneficiary of Charmaine’s gourmet cooking skills and business acumen; a personal and professional side that only a few of us were privy to.

Although this end was anticipated, we could not be prepared and are deeply saddened. We miss her and will keep on missing her for sometime to come.

Please share your remembrances and anecdotes to submissons@canadianwarmbloods.com.

Charmaine Bergman of Prince Albert, SK, was a valued member of the Equestrian Canada (EC) Equine Industry Development Committee and a Category C Voting Member.

In Memoriam: Charmaine Bergman

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association