As both 2021 and my new role as Equestrian Canada (EC) Chief Executive Officer begin, I would like to take this opportunity to share where we are headed as a national federation.

The many unprecedented events, social upheaval and complete shutdown for parts of 2020 highlighted many challenges in our industry that had been rumbling under the surface for years. With eyes and ears wide open, we enter 2021 ready to support a strong return to competition in Canada and abroad, and to begin the process of revising our Strategic Initiatives Plan for 2022-2028 – as the current Strategic Initiatives Plan is set to expire next year – to address some of the structural and foundational issues that have impacted us for far too long.

EC’s Strategic Initiatives Plan outlines our direction and goals based on multi-year cycles. It is a living document that can be altered and adjusted to reflect sociopolitical and resource realities.

The Strategic Initiatives Planning Committee, which is a Board of Directors committee, and EC staff are working in close collaboration to identify key priorities and outcomes for 2022-2028. The process is a lengthy one, involving consultation with stakeholders such as the Provincial/Territorial Sport Organizations (PTSOs) and operational committees. The 2022-2028 Strategic Initiatives Plan, “Vision 2028”, is scheduled for completion in late winter 2022.

Through these strategic planning efforts and alignment with operational workplans, EC will continue to focus on how we can better serve our entire community and ensure the future sustainability of the national federation, including:

  • Building on the Phase 1 key findings and recommendations of the Competition Structural Alignment Committee, which include reviewing the EC membership model, sanctioning process and overall business model.
  • Supporting our diversity, equity and inclusion initiative with the hiring of a diversity officer and creation of an action plan based on community input received over the recently held community feedback forums.
  • Continued evaluation of the nature of our existing relationships, seeking to forge new partnerships, and diligently listening to and learning from our community.

If you have comments or suggestions concerning EC’s role or what you would like to see from us in the coming years, we encourage you to share them via our Contact Us form by selecting “VISION 2028” as the subject.


Meg Krueger
Chief Executive Officer
Secretary General