Ottawa, ON, Feb. 8, 2021 – Equestrian Canada (EC) has issued its first Registered and Licensed Coach Statuses through the recently launched Coach Status Program, representing exciting steps forward for the Canadian equestrian community towards increased standards of safety and professionalism.

The Coach Status Program has received more than 450 applications since December 2020. Issuance of Coach Status began on Jan. 15, 2021, and 25 coaches have been approved for a Coach Status to date. Approved coaches can be found on the EC Find a Coach directory.

The EC staff thanks applicants for their patience as we endeavor to process the initial rush of applications and inquiries as quickly as possible. Extensive feedback has been received regarding the application process and we are implementing improvements to streamline the process moving forward. If you submitted an email inquiry or left a voicemail with EC concerning the Coach Status Program prior to Feb. 1, 2021, and have not yet received a response, please resend your inquiry to

Understanding Coach Status Program Requirements

Below are answers to frequently asked questions that EC has received regarding the application process.

Screening Requirements

What is the purpose of the screening disclosure form?
The screening disclosure form allows you to disclose any potential infractions and provide an explanation before they are revealed as part of a background check. The screening disclosure form also serves to confirm that information has not changed since the form was last submitted.

How do I obtain a Vulnerable Sector Check?
Legislation requires that Vulnerable Sector Checks be carried out by your local police departments, with most police departments requiring a letter provided from the requesting organization in order for it to be completed. Information on the procedure can generally be found by Googling “Vulnerable Sector Check” and the name of your municipality or by calling your local police department.

What is the purpose of the Vulnerable Sector Search Form Letter?
Most police departments require a letter from the requesting organization in order to conduct a Vulnerable Sector Check. EC’s form letter meets the requirements of most police departments. If the form letter is not accepted by your local police department, please contact to request a personalized letter.

First Aid Requirements

What if my First Aid training certificate has expired?
Based on the ever-changing nature of restrictions and access to programming due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the following accommodations are being made:

  • Standard or Emergency First Aid training certificates that expired in 2020 will be accepted until Dec. 31, 2021, for both Registered and Licenced Status.
  • First Aid training certificates that expired prior to Jan. 1, 2020, will be accepted so long as the applicant submits proof that they have completed the online portion of a recertification/refresher course offered by a recognized Canadian First Aid program. Recognized programs include those offered by the authorized delivery partners of the Canadian Red Cross, Saint-John Ambulance, the Lifesaving Society and the Canadian Ski Patrol.
  • Healthcare professionals can submit an equivalency to the ECampus in the form of a letter from their employer confirming the currency of their credentials and/or their status as currently in good standing with their professional order.

Can I do my First Aid training online?
Currently, 100% online First Aid training is not accepted by Canadian regulatory bodies. EC encourages everyone to use caution when seeking First Aid training online.

In light of the exceptional circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that online programs, including Pro-First Aid, have been previously accepted by EC, current online First Aid training certificates that meet Coach Status Program requirements will be accepted until Dec. 31, 2021. These certificates will be deemed expired at that time, regardless of the expiry date displayed on the certificate.

For Canadian coaches residing and conducting their coaching activities primarily overseas, First Aid training requirements will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Insurance Requirements

How do I submit proof of insurance?
The best way to submit proof of insurance to meet Coach Status Program requirements is to submit a Certificate of Insurance completed by your broker. A standard form that can be completed by your broker can be found here.

Please do not upload a receipt confirming the purchase of insurance or a copy of your full policy.

Why is professional liability insurance a requirement?
Professional liability insurance is included as a Coach Status Program requirement to ensure that both coaches and participants are protected for wrongful acts that may occur as a result of coaching or instruction, such as neglect, omission, error, breach of duty or a misleading statement in the discharge of sports-related skills training or instruction.

Professional liability insurance is critical for professionals who provide a service to and work directly with clients. It can help provide protection for claims made by a client if they suffer a financial loss due to a service being provided or failing to be provided. These claims could be due to a mistake or failure to perform certain services.

What if my current insurance policy does not include professional liability coverage?
EC has been made aware that some coaches are not able to access professional liability insurance from their current provider or that professional liability insurance is only available at a significant cost. To address these issues, EC has met with the industry’s leading insurance providers to hear concerns and clarify requirements. EC is preparing additional documentation for insurers to aid them in sourcing appropriate coverage.

If you have applied for Coach Status and this element is currently outstanding, do not rush to change policies until this process has been concluded and an update has been shared.

EC/NCCP Certification Requirements

Do I require a Coach Status for EC/NCCP certification to remain active?
No. If you are currently EC/NCCP certified and continue to meet professional development requirements, your EC/NCCP certification will remain active whether or not you choose to engage in the Coach Status Program.

If I am EC/NCCP certified, why do I need to maintain Coach Status?
Coach Status is how EC confirms that an individual is an active coach and the premise upon which coaches are identified in our directory and through other programs; certification programs confirm competency.

EC/NCCP certification is a means for EC to confirm that you have demonstrated a specific series of coaching competencies in the same way a college or university degree confirms having acquired knowledge and skills in a specific field of study.

Do I still need a Gold Sport Licence to maintain my EC/NCCP certification?
No. An EC Sport Licence is no longer required to maintain your EC/NCCP certification; however, a Bronze Sport Licence is required to obtain Coach Status.

Sport Licence Requirements

Which EC Sport Licence do I require to obtain my Coach Status?
A Bronze EC Sport Licence is the minimum requirement for obtaining your Coach Status.  


For a full list of frequently asked questions and further information on the Coach Status Program, visit For questions, please contact