The Equestrian Canada (EC) Eventing Committee wishes to acknowledge the recent passing of Katharine Morel and her horse Kerry On at the Rocking Horse Winter III Horse Trials in Altoona, FL. Katharine was, like so many Canadian eventers, pursuing her passion and striving to achieve a personal best for herself and Kerry On in the sport.

On behalf of Canadian eventers, we extend our condolences to her family, friends and colleagues at this most difficult of times.

We also want to acknowledge that such a moment reinforces our determination that we all continue to strive to make this sport as safe as possible.

In eventing, our goal as organizers, coaches, riders, officials, volunteers and governing bodies cannot be to foster the mindset that all risk has been removed and we compete in complete safety. That would be irresponsible and probably not achievable.

Rather, our individual and collective mindsets, tasks, strategies and actions should engender a sense of responsibility and accountability for managing any inherent risks in real time.

The EC Eventing Committee is committed, more than ever, to focusing and amplifying our efforts on the five pillars that have proven to contribute to risk mitigation in our sport. These pillars are:

  • Designing and building courses that challenge the athlete and horse in an environment that is as safe and fair as is realistically achievable.
  • Leveraging global knowledge, experience, performance data and communications technology to provide a realistic, progressive and measured development program for coaches and athletes to enable them to achieve their best.
  • Providing key individuals (designers, builders, organizers, officials and participants) with access to the knowledge and all feasible support for employing the most up-to-date technology (engineering, materials, data, etc.) that will enable everyone to ensure the best decisions are implemented.
  • Creating, through clear and direct communications, a culture of collaboration and common interest that ensures a community approach to continuous improvement, knowledge sharing, issue management and stakeholder engagement.
  • Maintaining a sustainable infrastructure, both professional and volunteer, that supports the efficient and effective delivery of the entire risk mitigation program.

In light of this most recent heart-breaking incident, we are all reminded that making eventing as safe as possible, for both athlete and horse, is the responsibility of all of us.


The EC Eventing Committee
Ruth Allum (Chair)
James Atkinson
Nicholas Austin
Patricia Elias
Pat Frewen-Lord
Julie Johannson
Sue Ockendon
Rob Stevenson