Is there a simple way to access the EC Equine Medication Control Rules?

Yes, by visiting the Equine Medication Rules and Guidelines page on the EC website. The Rules and Guidelines page includes the Equine Medication Control Guide, which contains an easy-to-read summary of the medication rules. The complete Equine Medication Control Rules are available in the EC General Regulations, Section A, Chapter 10.

My horse receives Previcox daily. He colicked at a competition and the veterinarian gave him an injection of Banamine. When can my horse compete again following the treatment for colic with Banamine?

After 24 hours. Although only one non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (NSAID) can be used during competition, in the case of an emergency such as colic that requires the administration of Banamine, the horse may compete after 24 hours if an Emergency Medication Report Form is completed and filed. The competition steward will have copies of the Emergency Medication Report Form, or you can access the form here.

Remember that the Banamine must be administered by a veterinarian.

Do you have a question? Send your inquiries about the EC Equine Medications Control program to

Please note, this does not constitute legal advice. Information included in this article is for informational purposes only. It is not, and should not be taken as, advice regarding a particular situation. You should not rely on, nor take or fail to take any action based upon this information. You are encouraged to seek legal advice regarding your circumstances, and you should not rely upon anything you have read in this article without seeking appropriate legal advice regarding the application of EC Equine Medication Control Rules to your particular circumstances.