Remember: If you show up at the show unprepared and need to purchase a temporary EC Sport Licence, any points earned will not carry over to your annual Sport Licence once purchased and points cannot be added retroactively. Additionally, if internet is not available at the show, you might not be able to purchase a temporary Sport Licence at all. Don’t lose those points – plan ahead!
So, what do you need to be prepared? Read on, and then download your own printable checklist!
First I have to…
- Discuss with my coach and determine what EC sanctioned competitions I will attend this season.
- Confirm the level of those EC sanctioned competitions (Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum) through their prize list or EC’s events calendar.
Then I will…
- Renew with my Provincial/Territorial Sport Organization.
- Register with any additional organizations.
- Are you eventing? You must renew with your provincial horse trials association to compete at EC sanctioned eventing competitions.
- Are you participating in a local or provincial circuit or program? Check out each organization’s website to see what registration or membership you might need.
- Renew my EC Sport Licence through MyEC.
- Purchase an EC Horse Recording for horses competing from the Silver through Gold levels (some exceptions apply – see discipline-specific EC Rules for more information).
- If competing in para-dressage, apply for any necessary compensating aids or classification and confirm active listing on the EC Dressage/Para-Dressage Dispensation Master List (Bronze level) or Para-Dressage Classification Master List (Silver/Gold level).
To compete at the FEI level, I will also need to…
- Purchase an EC National Passport for horses competing at FEI CIM-level (1* and 2*) competitions within Canada.
- Purchase an FEI Passport or Recognition Card for horses competing in FEI sanctioned competitions internationally (some exceptions apply – see discipline-specific EC Rules for more information).
- Complete FEI registration for myself via EC’s FEI Registration portal or renew through MyEC.
- Complete FEI registration for my horse(s) via EC’s FEI Registration portal or renew through MyEC.
- Fill out an authorization to compete form via my discipline’s High Performance page on the EC website.
- If competing in para-dressage, apply for any necessary compensating aids and FEI classification, and confirm active listing on the EC Para-Dressage Classification Master List (Silver/Gold level).
Then I can…
- Hit the ground running for my 2020 season!
Did you know that a valid EC Gold Sport Licence and/or Horse Recording allows the holders to participate in USEF sanctioned competition without USEF membership? (See USEF Rule 901.9(9) and note that a USEF Amateur Card may be required.)
All set and ready to show? Download our printable checklist to make sure!
Visit the appropriate page on the EC website for more information:
EC Rules
Horse Recordings & Passports
Provincial/Territorial Sport Organizations
Sport Licences
If you have any additional questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact the customer service team:
Phone (Toll Free): 1-866-282-8395