Raised in Cornwall, Ontario, she now resides in Ottawa. Shaw was the third youngest of seven girls and recalls vividly how she began in her career of minutes recording. “I was graduating from high school and I wasn’t 16 yet,” she said. “I started grade one when I was five years old and completed grade three and four in one year. I was going to Sir George Williams [now Concordia University], but my mother didn’t want me to go because I wasn’t 16, so I learned typing and shorthand in a commercial college, which I found interesting.” In the classroom, many decades ago, a member from the Canadian Chemical Company was looking for someone to work in an administrative role. Shaw spoke up, and never looked back.

Shaw took on contracts throughout her professional career while raising her four children and her first husband was beginning his career in accounting. She supported the family with what she earned and laughed when she shared his salary. “$220 per month was his income! That wouldn’t go far today.”

Before EC, Shaw served as Executive Assistant to the Executive Director at the Youth Services Board for 17 years. In late 1999, Shaw was connected to EC through an employment agency and only two months later, became EC’s permanent Board Recording Secretary under the direction of 21 Board directors.

When she first started, Shaw recalls her very first AGM experience was supposed to be in Halifax. They had hired a recorder locally, but at one point in the meeting, the recorder excused herself from the meeting and didn’t return due to the volume of work that was expected! However, the Board couldn’t fly Dorothy in because the airport was closed due to a winter storm.

Shaw has so many good memories with EC that she finds it difficult to choose just one. She has travelled to many locations of the AGM’s and other committee meetings. She also attended at least 10 Royal Winter Fairs over the 22 years. One such occasion happened on Remembrance Day, and she recalls the whole place going silent for two minutes, which was very meaningful for her.

I Am EC: Happy Retirement to EC Board Recording Secretary Dorothy Shaw

Shaw has been very beneficial to the growth of EC, through her involvement and serving under many Board Presidents (8) and Chief Executive Officers (8), including current CEO Meg Krueger, who she’s created close relationship with.

When asked, Krueger reflected on Dorothy’s commitment to EC. “We are so grateful to Dorothy for her many years of service and dedication to EC. She has seen the organization go through many changes and leaders over the years.” Krueger added “it is incredible to think that Dorothy has recorded 23 Board years, listening to and annotating deliberations and decisions throughout that time. We will miss her kindness, loyalty and her fascinating shorthand, and we know she will continue to stay active in service with her passion for giving back to the community.” 

Shaw has also worked very closely with EC’s Corporate Manager Marilyn Korim, for many years. “I would like to thank Dorothy for her years of steadfast and dedicated service to the EC Board,” Korim said. She added that “Dorothy has been a most reliable source of historical knowledge for, not only the Board, but also for EC Staff especially through years of many changes and challenges.”

Her experience in equestrian was recreational when she was a teenager. Shaw remembers being bypassed other horses while in the saddle. “My horse was going back to the stables with the other horses, I kept pulling to stay, he came around and I finally got off and the leader of the ride helped me.”

On top of being recreationally involved with horses, Shaw also has a passion for theatre. When she lived in Windsor, she performed in musicals but when she moved to Ottawa, found it difficult to juggle. To this day she is still is heavily involved with the theatre scene, where she is a scenic artist, designing several sets of theatres and also directing a children’s play.

Volunteerism has also been a major part of Shaw’s life since she was 12 years old, where she started with the Kiwanis Club in Cornwall, ON. “My post was at one corner of the main intersections in front of Raymond’s nut shop” she said. Whether it be for her school, church or community, she’s been volunteering throughout. Most recently she was with Reach, who’s main objective was to provide pro bono legal services to the disabled.

When asked what she is doing to do in her retirement, she laughs, “purge my house!” She’d also like to travel. Before the pandemic, Shaw spent time in Europe travelling and she never finished her trip, including a houseboat tour in France. She also looks forward to seeing more of her seven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.

On behalf of everyone at EC, we thank Dorothy for all of her many years of hard work and dedication, and we wish her a well-deserved retirement!