Ottawa, ON, Sept. 27, 2019 – The 2019 Equestrian Canada (EC) Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place on Sept. 25, 2019, with the current and incoming EC Board of Directors and EC Voting Members attending via conference call, and the community invited to tune in through Facebook livestream.

The AGM agenda included four items of business, as well reports and updates from EC leadership and the Audit and Nominating Committees. In addition, a Q&A period was held, with EC President, Meg Krueger addressing questions submitted by the Category A, B and C Voting Member groups.

Approval of Agenda & Adoption of Minutes

After Peter Chiddy (Category B) motioned to approve the agenda, with Liz Saunders (Category B) as a seconder, Saunders followed with the motion to approve adoption of the minutes from the 2018 AGM, with one correction requested by Krueger. The motion was seconded by Dan Gall (Category C). With none opposed, the motion was carried and the corrected and adopted minutes from the 2018 AGM are available on the EC website at

Updates from EC Leadership

After completing the first two items of business, Krueger provided an opening address that encompassed a high level President’s Report and Management Report. Click on the links below to view the full reports.

Interim CEO, Yves Hamelin, who officially takes office on Oct. 1, also addressed the AGM, stating, “I am glad to have the opportunity to participate in this year’s AGM. It is early in my assignment and it will help bring me up to speed. For the coming months my focus will be getting into all sides of the equestrian industry and sport in order to identify growth and develop partnerships to support EC’s future success.

Hamelin continued, “In addition to my natural focus on sport development, high performance and business development, the integration of our industry’s perspective will need to always be behind strategies moving forward. This will be a daily focus from now on to ensure industry is taken into consideration moving forward. The Strategic Initiatives Plan will be integrated to make continuous improvements in each area. The Plan will define our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and will become the platform for the staff and the team to support the various needs of the organization.”

Committee Reports

The 2019 EC AGM featured reports from two EC Board Committees. Robert Mitchell, Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee delivered a report outlining the financial activity of EC over the past year. In addition, Wayne Burwash, Chair of the Nominating Committee provided a synopsis of his report regarding the 2019 EC Board of Directors Election.

Click on the links below to view the full reports.

Financial Statements

The next agenda item was the Acceptance of the 2018-19 EC Financial Statements.

The motion to accept the financial statements was made by Chiddy, seconded by Sue Ockendon (Category C), and passed following a unanimous vote.

To view the 2018-19 Audited Financial Statements, click here.

Appointment of the Auditors

Regarding the appointment of the Auditors for 2019-2020, Mitchell recommended EC remain with KPMG. The motion was made by Sue Karrel (Category A), and seconded by Victoria Kendall (Category B). None were opposed, and the motion was carried.

Q&A Period

Prior to the 2019 AGM, the community had the opportunity to submit questions to the EC Voting Members, with each Category bringing questions forward for the EC Board to address during the AGM. Any questions not addressed during the AGM due to time restrictions will be responded to directly.

Click the link below to view the full Q&A transcript:

Listen to the Full Recording of the 2019 EC AGM

The AGM was recorded and streamed live on EC’s Facebook page, and the full audio is available below and at

For more information on EC governance, visit Full information and access to AGM documents can be found at

Questions? Comments?

Questions and comments regarding the AGM can be directed to the EC Category Members by email as follows:

Category A

Category B

Category C

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