Most traditional travel insurance products contain exclusions with respect to participating in “extreme sports” and equestrian activities are often included under this category. Henry Equestrian offers policies that will provide coverage for emergency medical expenses incurred while participating as an amateur or professional in competitive events and training, as well as pleasure riding and regular daily activities.
Henry Equestrian and Allianz have developed a travel insurance program available to all EC Sport Licence Holders. This program protects you in case of injury or sickness requiring an emergency hospital stay or emergency medical treatment while travelling outside your home province or territory whether abroad or within Canada. The new multi-trip annual plan covers up to a maximum of $5 million for any emergency medical situation that may occur while traveling.
There are many travel insurance options available in the marketplace, be sure that you request the correct policy that will respond when you need it most.
Henry Equestrian also offers coverage for regular Canadian Travellers, Canadian Snow Birds and Visitors to Canada.