All horses attending EC sanctioned competitions must have been administered Equine Influenza and Equine Herpes Virus (1 and 4) vaccinations within six (6) months (+21 days grace period) before arrival at the competition. No horse shall have received vaccination within seven (7) days prior to arrival at the event. Horses not in compliance with this rule may be asked to leave event site at the discretion of competition management.
The frequency of vaccine administration should be as recommended by the vaccine manufacturer or veterinarian. It is recommended that vaccines be administered by or under the direction of a veterinarian. Competition management may request supporting documentation confirming a horse’s compliance with mandatory vaccination requirements.
In the case of a horse that is unable to receive either of the vaccines, a letter must be provided with the entry form from a veterinarian, on official letterhead, stating the equine cannot be vaccinated due to medical concerns. At the discretion of competition management, a log of the horse’s temperature prior to arrival at the event site or during the event can be requested.
We would like to remind you that due to the administrative effects of the rule, the following supportive rules will also come into effect;
- ARTICLE A602 PRIZE LISTS – MANDATORY INFORMATION (8.) The following statement must be included in the prize list of any EC sanctioned competition: “All horses attending Equestrian Canada sanctioned competitions must have met the requirements of Article A519, Vaccinations. See Rules of Equestrian Canada, Section A, General Regulations, Article A519, Vaccinations.”
- ARTICLE A802 ENTRY FORMS (7.) All entry forms must contain the following statement, which must be signed by the person(s) responsible (See Glossary – Person(s) responsible): “I hereby certify that every horse listed on this entry form has met the requirements of Article A519, Vaccinations. See Rules of Equestrian Canada, Section A, General Regulations, Article A519, Vaccinations.”
Questions, Comments?
For questions or comments, please contact:
Rachel Huebert
Manager, Technical Development
1-866-282-8395 x 115