The EC Rules are put into place to protect the welfare of humans and horses, and allow everyone to have the opportunity to enjoy safe, fair and fun sport.

Keeping the rules up-to-date and applicable to today’s fast-changing world is an ongoing task and requires input and collaboration from coast-to-coast. From athletes to coaches, officials to competition organizers and owners to parents, everyone has invaluable input to give.

So, how can you get involved?

Rule Changes follow a four-phase process:

Do You Know the EC Rule Change Process? Dive In and Get Engaged in Protecting Fair Play!

EC is currently in the Phase 1 – Suggestions, and welcomes input from the community until the deadline of May 31, 2019.

    Submit a Rule Change Suggestion Today!

    What happens after a rule change is submitted?

    • All rule change suggestions are reviewed by EC.
    • EC sport, breed, technical or welfare committees consider all suggestions and put forward those they recommend as rule change proposals (RCPs).
    • Proposals are posted to the EC website for community review.
    • Final 2020 rules will be posted to the EC website and will become effective Jan. 1, 2020.

    To learn more about the EC Rules, visit

    Questions? Comments?

    For questions or comments regarding the EC Rules, please contact:

    Lindsey Blakely
    Coordinator, Technical Programs – Officials & Rules