staff directory

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Clear Filters

Active Equine, Industry, & Development

As part of its commitment to promoting and protecting a vibrant active equine industry in Canada as well as the health and welfare of all active equines in Canada, the department works on projects and programs to be the voice of the horse in our sport.  
Jean Klosowicz
Equine Traceability Business Development

Marketing & Communications

Supporting the promotional and fundraising requirements of EC, the marketing and communications department represents the forward-facing voice of EC. The MarComms team is responsible for community engagement, document management, translation, event coverage, sport promotion, information dissemination, public relations, social media, sponsorship, event management and fundraising 
Annabelle Briand
Gerry van Blokland
Graphic Design & Visual Media

Executive Office

Reporting to the President and Board of Directors, our Chief Executive Officer works together with the EC Leadership Team to implement the strategic and operational plans The executive team leads and works alongside the volunteer board, board committees, operational committees, voting members, National Affiliate Associations & Corporations, and Provincial and Territorial Partners to carry out EC’s mandate 
Lisa Robertson
Term Ending: 2026
Meg Krueger
Chief Executive Officer
Secretary General
Marilyn Korim
Corporate Operations
Sue Bundy
Brand and Commercial